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                            BlockRead procedure

  DECLARATION:  BlockRead(var F: File; var Buf; Count : Word
                         [; var Result : Word])

      PURPOSE:  Reads one or more records into a variable.

         UNIT:  System

      REMARKS:  F is an untyped file variable, Buf is any variable, count
                is an expression of type word, and Result is a variable of
                type word.

                Reads Count or less records from the file F into
                memory, starting at the first byte occupied by Buf.

                The actual number of complete records read is returned in
                the optional parameter Result.  If Result is not specified,
                an I/O error will occur if the number of records read is not
                equal to Count.

                The current file position is advanced by Result records.

 RESTRICTIONS: File to be read must be open

      EXAMPLE: Program CopyFile;

                   InFile, OutFile : File;
                   QtyRead, QtyWritten : Word;
                   buf : Array[1..2048] of char;

                   Assign(InFile, "Input.fle");
                   ReSet(InFile, 1);
                   Assign(OutFile, "Output.fle");
                   ReWrite(OutFile, 1);
                      BlockRead(InFile, buf, SizeOf(buf), QtyRead);
                      BlockWrite(OutFile, buf, QtyRead, QtyWritten);
                   Until (QtyRead = 0) or (QtyWritten <> QtyRead);

See Also: BlockWrite
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